Educate Users & Prevent Data Loss

Did you know 90% of cyber attacks are targeted at people? With one cyber crime incident reported every ten minutes, Australia is currently one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to cyber attacks.

This is a risk you cannot afford to ignore. Like it or not, your workforce is still the primary attack vector for any cyber security attack. Turn attack vectors such as phishing, social engineering, bad cyber hygiene into your first line of defence with Ava Reveal.

Traditionally, we have seen organisations offer yearly training and compliance videos on cyber security. At CommuniCloud, we understand this is not enough. Security cannot be an afterthought. It must be understood and be at the forefront of the employees’ minds when carrying out their day-to-day tasks.

It’s all good to have multiple security platforms and procedures. However, users bypass them if they are not followed, and your organisation will most likely be breached. We resolve this by giving you the tools and support to track your workforce’s security posture to look for gaps and identify potential areas where you could be exploited.

Security is not a product or a feature, its a mindset across your business that needs to be developed and instilled across your workforce.

  • A video once a year is not going to be front of mind to an employee who is being targeted in a latest phishing scam. 
  • Not all of your workforce are equal, your senior leadership team and other key job functions will be targeted by attacks more heavily than others. 
  • More than 90% of attacks are targeted at people.

Contact CommuniCloud sales for questions or a live product demo.


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