Running a successful webinar will take some preparation and thought. Take the time to ensure that your content is interesting, informative and engaging for participants.   10 Webi-not to do’s! Do not underestimate the power of a good headline. Take the time to make sure that you have selected a topic and title that has search […]

Did you know staff can lose 40% productivity by multi-tasking? Have you ever considered how engaged your audience is when hosting an audio conference? In today’s workplace, video conferencing is the game changer for both employers and employees. If asked, many employers would suggest video conferencing is an efficient means for connecting with staff and

Simply put, a webinar is a real-time, online “event” that’s delivered over the internet, live. You, the host, are able to set up the whole event and invite team members and clients, and whoever else you wish. The beauty of a virtual event? You can invite people regardless of location. Webinars are a great way

Sick of holding the same old mundane client meetings? Why not take the leap into the virtual world…Industries are constantly adapting to a dynamic world and to stay on top of your game it’s well worth showcasing yourself through a virtual event.

Polycom recognised CommuniCloud with its 2015 Circle of Excellence Award during TEAM Polycom 2016, the company’s annual partner conference, held in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, January 11-14, 2016. All honorees continue to excel at incorporating value-added solutions and services which create lasting value for customers. Find out more about the day from Polycom here.

A cloud video meeting has become a staple in the business community, offering a quick, convenient way for teams to meet, even when they’re thousands of kilometres apart. As a frequent alternative to in-person meetings, cloud video chatting has redefined what it means to interact with your teammates, streamlining the flow of business no matter how

Over the last decade, video conferences have become increasingly frequent, providing a way for individuals to speak face to face without being in the same room, country, or even on the same continent.

Recently a technological breakthrough was made that I for one have been longing for. When Marty McFly Hoverboarded himself to fame in Back to the Future more than 30 years ago the race began to make a real magic flying machine – and last week car maker Lexus finally delivered.